This Wednesday I am honored to be featured on our international team call telling my story of how I got healthy and lost 37lbs! Plus hear what I told when my husband when he lost his job back in March. It could have been a very scary moment, but instead it was validating for me. 

Wednesday 9pm – dial (641) 715-3580 passcode 945461#

Posted By Ran Isner

 The thing about swagger is that when it resides in you, you feel unstoppable and your self confidence shoots to the sky and it damn sure feels good!
For such a long time I felt like I wasn’t anything special and that i didn’t deserve happiness, success or love for that matter. I felt like I had no power and that I had given it away to other people. I didn’t know what my truth is and what it is I  was put on this earth to do.
In the past six weeks I’ve created some new healthy habits but am also struggling to let go of old ones. I started exercising and taking Jiu Jitsu but I still find myself eating out of boredom and as a reward for things I did. The instant gratification in food is something that is very easy for me to tap into because it has been a crutch for a very long time but it has not served me in the long run. At some point in my early 30’s my Cholesterol came back a little too high and that was a wake up call to me. It hasn’t gone back up since but I refuse to be in that place again.


I am emotional writing all of this down because I forgot how good this felt! This unwavering, unmessable truth in myself that I no longer have to defend is a product of this journey I have been on for the past 3 years and these past six weeks in particular. I know I am on the right path and that the story that I write from now on is one of progress and setbacks, of love and gratitude but most of all it will be a story of acceptance of myself and the people who will cross my path.

I got my swagger back Ya’ll!

Week 6 Results:

Weight: 157.4( +3.2 since last week, +0.7 since beginning)

Workouts: 2(Jiu Jitsu)

Book I am reading: The big Leap by Gay Hendricks

What I want to be to be acknowledged for this week:

Loving myself, warts and all.


Week 4: Ups and Downs

July 5, 2016

Posted by Ran Isner

I require restoring my integrity. My weekly results posts usually go out on Sundays and this week it didn’t. It didn’t because I didn’t do very well this week and I was trying to avoid telling you all about it.I didn’t eat very well this week and that’s not including this past weekend. I am having a hard time looking past the instant gratification I have from eating my favorite foods and if I am tempted, I will not hesitate to break my promise to myself and indulge. My results oriented mind wants me to do better every week and when I don’t measure up to my own expectations, I drown myself in guilt. Although it’s admirable to want to do better each week, it’s not always very realistic and being critical of myself is not conducive to growth.

However, this week wasn’t all bad. This week I went to my first Jiu Jitsu class at Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after I have been telling Marie for months if not a couple of years, that I was interested in trying it. As we all know from “Gone With The Wind” “wishin’ ain’t gettin'”. Me wanting to try something new doesn’t mean that it will magically appear before my eyes and fall on my lap. I had an interaction class with one of the teachers last Wednesday and then a full on class on Friday and I loved it! First of all it was fun just being around other adults and having that time to myself and secondly I finally got in a proper workout after two weeks of not doing nothing because of a groin injury. Since my goal is to finally discover those elusive six pack muscles I have heard so much about, I have been working out at home on my upper body and doing some strength training using my own body weight.

Now that I am going to be working out consistently, I require to step up my diet game and pay attention to what I am eating. If I am committed to  transformation then I require to transform my mindset around the food I consume.

There will be ups and downs but what I require to remind myself is that this is a process and there will be progress but also setbacks.

Posting two days late created a loss of integrity on my part and the way it affects you is that I promised to deliver my results On sundays no matter what. I made it about me and I have done a disservice to you, my audience. So from now on I will post my results on Sundays without fail and that is my promise to you.


Week 4 Results:

Weight- 154.6(+0.2 since last week, -2.1 since start)

Workouts-5( 2 home workouts, 2 Jiu Jitsu classes and a bike ride)

Cleanse days completed-1(today)

Book I am reading- The big Leap by Gay Hendricks

What I want to be acknowledged for this week:

I want to be acknowledged for taking the plunge and joining a Jiu Jitsu class!

January Jumpstart!

December 26, 2013

Are you ready to drop a pants size in 30 days?  Are you ready to have tons of energy in 2014?  Do you want to detox from over-indulging in holiday treats?

Then you are ready for the January Jumpstart: 30 Day Cleanse & Reboot that I’m hosting with fellow health coach, Trina Kincey.

Contact now for your personal assessment and for more details by emailing We are offering a $100 discount for enrolling before January 1st, just mention code CHEESE13.

This cleanse is a proven program that thousands of people have used to drop significant weight in 30 days.  Last summer after a glutinous trip to Las Vegas I did this cleanse and lost 15lbs. See my before and afters.  I felt fantastic fitting into my old clothes and even had to go buy a smaller size of jeans! I’ve been keeping off the weight since and feel great!

What will you look like "after"?

What will you look like “after”?

January Jumpstart: 30 Day Cleanse & Reboot

Hosted by Marie Ingrisano Isner & Trina Kincey, Certified Health Coaches

Cleanse begins January 15th!

We will guide you through a 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse with 5 group coaching calls tailored for your success.

As part of the program you will receive Breakfast & Dinner, nutritional supplements, a daily anti-stress rejuvenating drink, and the tools to keep the weight off.

You’ll be invited to a members only Facebook group so you can connect with your health coaches and fellow cleansers to have the real-time support to stay motivated.

Five group coaching calls will teach you everything you need to know!  Listen in from the comfort of your home.

January 13 8:30pm – Introduction to Nutritional Cleansing: All your questions answered

January 20 8:30pm – Eating right for your body: Learning how to identify what foods work best for you

January 27 8:30pm – Healthy Cooking with Ease: Learn new meals and snacks to never get bored while on the plan

February 3 8:30pm – Incorporating exercise into your busy lifestyle

February 10 8:30pm – Developing Maintenance Programs: Keep the weight off or lose more if you desire

Space is limited so please contact us now to secure your spot.  $100 discount expires January 2nd!  Contact me at to enroll!

Follow Us on Facebook HERE.

My Before and After

December 24, 2013

I’m “taking one for the team” to show you how successful my cleanse was this summer.  This is definitely a picture I would “untag” myself on Facebook, but it’s the truth, so here it is.

Marie, in purple dress, Pre-Cleanse

Marie, in purple dress, Pre-Cleanse

Over the summer I put on a few pounds, but I already had some weight to lose so it was really a dire situation.  Then a fellow health coach introduced me to a nutritional cleanse.  Both my husband and I did it.  Once completed, I’d lost a pants size and 15lbs.

"After" Cleansing!  Don't we look great!

“After” Cleansing! Don’t we look great!

I’m hosting a group cleanse this January called the January Jumpstart: 30 Day Cleanse & Reboot.  If you want to lose weight in 2014, contact me for details at, mention code CHEESE13 and receive $100 off the cost!

A client of mine sent this over to me and it made me smile to read it.  Though it’s too long for my monthly newsletter, I wanted to print it in it’s entirety here.  Enjoy. -Marie

There once was a girl

with a curl right in the middle of her forehead. 

When she was good she was very, very good,

 but when she was bad she was awful.

This is a poem my mom would often recite to before bedtime when I was quite small.  I would laugh and laugh – because it was true.  She knew it and I knew it.  This poem was not only true when it came to my behavior as a child, but would later be true with healthy and healthy habits that would follow me throughout my life.

When I came to Marie several things were going on with me.

A)    I was engaged and getting married in a mere 3 months

B)    I was unemployed (I don’t do well idle)

C)     I was physically not were I needed to be (I couldn’t fit into my jeans from the previous year)

It was a trifecta.

I had never been to health coach before and was not sure what to expect.  I had no idea how amazing and how much it would change my life and my outlook.  Through Marie’s assessments and teachings, I was able to see that things weren’t as dire as I thought, the beauty of the 90/10 theory and easing my way into new habits was the way to success.

I have come along way, baby.  I now go to yoga 3 to 5 times a week.  I can now fit into my pants and feel so much better about myself.   My weight loss is slower this time around because I am doing it in a more healthy way. I have cooking schedule (I cook all day, once a week) and do my best to cut myself some slack.  After all, I am only human.

R.I., Brooklyn, NY 2013

“Health coaches can give patients specific recipes and hold their hands. I don’t  have the time to do that.” – Dr. Frank Lipman

Well said, Dr. Lipman!  This past week a friend and fellow health coach posted this story to her Facebook page.  A woman was at the grocery store trying to figure out which butter had more fiber in it.

Fiber in butter?  Um, no.

But it raises a great point.  The doctor told her to get more fiber into her husband’s diet and she literally had NO IDEA what to do.  She was probably not even sure what fiber is except something listed on a nutrition facts label.  This is scary.

What is fiber, anyway?

The reality of the situation is that most of us go to the doctor and get prescriptions like “lose weight”, “get your cholesterol down”, or “increase your fiber intake” and don’t know what to do.  Sadly, in the world we live in nutrition education is lacking and misguided.  The infamous food pyramid I grew up with is often regarded as the reason we are facing an obesity epidemic because it recommended all the wrong ratios of foods (6-8 servings of carbohydrates, mostly in the form of white bread and pasta, eek!).  When the doctor gives you these “prescriptions” they don’t have the time to help you see them through.  That’s where a health coach comes in.  Men’s Journal just did a fantastic article on “The Rise of the Health Coach”, that sums it up perfectly.

Every Monday I offer free health consultation ($100 value) to the people who read this blog and the followers of my Facebook page.  If you are interested in seeing what a health coach can do for you contact me at and let’s get your free consultation scheduled.  I can hold your hand through the ins and outs of getting your health on track when people like Dr. Lipman can’t.  Health in 2014, because you’re worth it!


It is with great excitement that I celebrate my graduation from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition on December 2nd. It’s a virtual graduation, because it is a virtual course, so I don’t actually get a cap and gown like in the past.  What I have received is my certification from the AADP as a Health Coach, and this is the basis for my new business The Family Plate.


Marie graduates HS, 1999

These are iPhone pictures of my graduation pictures that hang in my mother’s house.  I lovingly call this one, “The Giant Marie Head”.  It’s the largest picture of myself I’ve ever seen and since I am the oldest in my family, it hung alone on the wall for 3 years before being accompanied by the “giant Vincent head”. Graduations stick with us because they are natural milestones in one’s life.  After graduating college I didn’t think there would be more cap and gown photos in my future.  But in this past year of my self imposed “sabbatical” I’ve been given a great opportunity to go back to school and take a new direction in life.


Marie graduates College, 2003

This time last year, I knew I wanted to do something health related, but had no idea what.  I thought about becoming a yoga teacher but couldn’t find the right fit. Luckily, the universe sent an old friend to me with a wonderful idea – become a Certified Health Coach.  I began school in January of 2013 and have spent this year learning over 100 dietary theories.  It’s been exciting to be back in school and placing a focus on learning and expanding one’s mind. I’ve have a few weeks off since our lectures ended and I actually miss them!  (I always was a teacher’s pet!)
With my certification under my belt, I can now shift my focus entirely to serving my clients and working towards the optimal health of myself and those around me.  In fact today I made my mother vegan chocolate pudding, just to show her how it’s done.  We’re not vegan, but it’s fun to learn new recipes and try new methods for preparing food.  For me it’s all about moving forward and gathering up new bits and pieces of information as we go along.  What’s great about being a health coach is that I get to interact with my clients and learn from them as well.  
Many thanks to my husband Ran and my family for being so supportive.  Without their love and encouragement I’m not sure I would have been able to take this leap!
So here’s to 2014, a new year, a new career and many new people to meet!  




I’ve had the privilege to partner with Fruit Bliss on a giveaway for everyone who signs up for my The Family Plate newsletter by November 28th.  Click Here to Enter.  Winner announced on November 29 – Black Friday!

If you want 2 chances to win – it’s easy! Just “Like” Fruit Bliss on Facebook here!

Since the holidays are upon us, we’ve decided to giveaway some healthy fruit snacks from Fruit Bliss that are individually wrapped. This way, you can throw them in your bag and have a snack on hand when out shopping at the mall all day or cooking all day for the holidays.  We’re giving away 36 individually wrapped pouches of fruity deliciousness.  That’s a snack for every day from Thanksgiving to the New Year!

A little bit about Fruit Bliss, “Fruit Bliss is a very different kind of naturally sun-sweetened, whole fruit. Deliciously juicy and never dry, our fruits have no preservatives or added sugar. As a busy mom, I was always challenged to find healthy and convenient snacks the whole family would love. I created Fruit Bliss with active lifestyles and simple nutritious snacking in mind – a ready-to-eat whole fruit that you can take anywhere. As part of our mission to give back and promote healthy eating, Fruit Bliss donates a portion of our profits to organizations that provide nutritional education for a healthy lifestyle.”

What You’ll Win (worth over $40):

Soft Dried Mini Apricots On-the-Go Size, 12 pouches

Soft Dried Mini Plums On-the-Go Size, 12 pouches

Soft Dried Mini Figs On-the-Go Size, 12 pouches

We will ship your winnings directly to you!  So you can start enjoying Fruit Bliss asap.  Click Here to Enter.

I’ve had the privilege to partner with Fruit Bliss on a giveaway for everyone who signs up for my The Family Plate newsletter by November 28th.  Click Here to Enter.  Winner announced on November 29 – Black Friday!

If you want 2 chances to win – it’s easy! Just “Like” Fruit Bliss on Facebook here!


What You’ll Win!

Since the holidays are upon us, we’ve decided to giveaway some healthy fruit snacks from Fruit Bliss that are individually wrapped. This way, you can throw them in your bag and have a snack on hand when out shopping at the mall all day or cooking all day for the holidays.  We’re giving away 36 individually wrapped pouches of fruity deliciousness.  That’s a snack for every day from Thanksgiving to the New Year!

A little bit about Fruit Bliss, “Fruit Bliss is a very different kind of naturally sun-sweetened, whole fruit. Deliciously juicy and never dry, our fruits have no preservatives or added sugar. As a busy mom, I was always challenged to find healthy and convenient snacks the whole family would love. I created Fruit Bliss with active lifestyles and simple nutritious snacking in mind – a ready-to-eat whole fruit that you can take anywhere. As part of our mission to give back and promote healthy eating, Fruit Bliss donates a portion of our profits to organizations that provide nutritional education for a healthy lifestyle.”

What You'll Win!

What You’ll Win!

What You’ll Win (worth over $40):

Soft Dried Mini Apricots On-the-Go Size, 12 pouches

Soft Dried Mini Plums On-the-Go Size, 12 pouches

Soft Dried Mini Figs On-the-Go Size, 12 pouches

We will ship your winnings directly to you!  So you can start enjoying Fruit Bliss asap.  Click Here to Enter.

My Brush with Fame

November 10, 2013

I guess like most people who go to college and study theatre, I’ve often thought about what it would be like to be famous. Would I be gracious when people stop me on the street? Would I give generously to charities? Would I do Nespresso commercials but only overseas? I know for sure I would remember to thank my husband when I win my first Oscar.

Matt Damon, yeah, I met him in person, TWICE

Matt Damon, yeah, I met him in person, TWICE

But (I’m guessing) like many other people who go to college to study theatre, sometimes our lives take different paths than we ever could have anticipated. A psychic I see every few years (and who has been reading tarot cards for me since I was 19) told me recently that my fame “was going to be more subtle”. Apparently, it’s so subtle, it’s really just being famous to people who share the same last name as me! I believe the saying “a legend in her own mind” is appropriate here. 🙂

All kidding aside, I loved my time on stage and hope that someday I can go back to it, but for now, I’m really happy with my new profession of health coach and all the people I get to work with along the way.

It just so happens that in the past few weeks a couple of my most “fame-iest” projects all came together at the same time. I’ve mentioned in this blog before that I’m working on a mini-cookbook of some of my original recipes. It was an idea that only came to me around my birthday (late August) and I’ve already written 11 recipes for it. Now I know a full size cookbook needs a lot more than 11 recipes, but in the spirit of “it doesn’t have to perfect, it just has to be done”, I’ve decided 11 is a great number to put out as a mini-cookbook so people can learn a little bit about me, my home cooking and my health coaching approach. Some of the recipes are my mainstays (Italian Meatballs, anyone?) and some are brand new (White Bean Dip). They all got the star treatment this weekend when 2 photographers came over and photographed them in all their glory! They asked me if I was happy with the way the pictures were turning out and I said, “Are you kidding? This is my ‘Oscars Moment'” (Thank you to my husband for his never-ending love and support!)

It was not only exciting to see my food come to life through the lens but it was amazing to me that I only dreamed up this scheme a few months ago, and now it’s coming to life. It was an idea that once I thought of it, I couldn’t get it out of my brain. I wanted to work on it (without being forced). I wanted to try new recipes. I wanted to get feedback from people. Basically, I wasn’t afraid. It just goes to show you (and me) that when inspiration hits, it really doesn’t feel like work and it can be a source of primary food! That’s “finding your bliss”.

As part of the cookbook I also got the chance to have some new pictures taken of myself in a “cookbook” kind of setting. I wore an apron, had lights focused at me to make me look my best and felt like Julia Roberts. Another Oscar moment for sure!


Photo by Scotto Kim

That same week, we filmed a commercial for my dad’s business, Alarms R Us and I played a “yoga student” in an industrial film for my yoga studio. It was lots of cameras, lights and being called “an actor”. It was such a departure for me, because in all my theatre experience I never really did anything on film. I was so happy to be a part of all of these projects and have a chance to step back and say “Wow! I feel really lucky”. When we do things we love, it’s easy to feel that way.

Marie and Vincent filming the Alarms R Us commercial

Marie and Vincent filming the Alarms R Us commercial

I remember a couple years back, when I was working full time, that on Sunday nights I would have a bit of insomnia. I would lay awake staring at the ceiling which I almost never do. Finally I realized I was having a bit of dread over having to go to work the next day. I wanted to stay up late Sunday night as if to say, “Monday isn’t coming”. When I finally came to this conclusion I had to think about why I was having Sunday night dread in the first place. Finding meaning work or meaning in your work is one of our biggest challenges in life, amiright?

Sure, I liked having my pictures taken and being in commercials, but I’ve felt more proud than when I saw my stuffed mushrooms beautifully laid out in a professional picture. It was amazing. And those mushrooms happen to be delicious!

So I guess this is my subtle fame, and I’m kinda cool with that. I can’t wait to finish the cookbook and get it out to you all (read: my family a/k/a the ones who read this blog). Thanks for reading!

I heard something very interesting at a Weight Watchers meeting many moons ago – “You will lose more weight from Labor Day till Christmas than any other time of year.”  There’s something about Labor Day and “Back to School” fever that really gets people motivated to get on top of things.  I find myself wanted to clear out closets and get my apartment as tidy as can be knowing the long cold winter months are upon us and I’m going to be spending more time at home.  It’s also the time of year when I usually return to the gym (although this year I was pretty good at keeping it up during the summer).
Today I walked with my son to the gym rather the take the bus, and the weather was just lovely.  Sunny, yet still cool, breezy, but not bone chilling.  It was the kind of day that reminds you of going back to school and the excitement and nerves that goes along with it.  I took in a deep breath of the crisp air and I thought, “This is wonderful.” Don’t get me wrong, I love summer and I am always sad when it ends.  But I also loved going back to school.  I wanted to start shopping for new school supplies in July.  Even though this year I’m celebrate being done with school for 10 years (!), days like today still make me long for that excitement of a new year ahead.
Perhaps the Jewish religion has it right – Rosh Hashana was in early September this year and that marks the new year of the Jewish calendar.  Because for many of us, as I learned in Weight Watchers a long time ago, THIS is the time to make new years resolutions.  This is the window of opportunity to get on top of all the healthy habits we want to put in place because we have the seasons on our side.  The fall air just gives you motivation, because we are all trained from 12+ years of school that this is the time to get serious about things.  I am going to take advantage of this opportunity NOW and make sure my healthy habits that may have gone askew during the lax days of summer get back on track because in January, I don’t want to feel worse than I do now – I want to feel better.  Plus, let’s face it January and February are some of the most depressing months in the 12 month calendar because the sun goes down super early and the weather is abysmal.  It’s way harder to get up early in January to get to the gym than it is now! In January you will just want more blankets and a hot latte in bed, not 30 minutes on the treadmill. Believe me!
To help you meet and exceed your goals I’ve put together a group program simply called, “Feel Great Now” through my health coaching practice, The Family Plate.  If you aren’t local to Brooklyn but are interested in health coaching to help you find your optimal health, contact me.  Through the wonders of Skype and phone we can have a high impact 6 month program!

Why wait for January to make resolutions – FEEL GREAT NOW! 

During this program you will learn to:

  • Feel great in your own skin again by learning to eat healthy foods that fit into your busy lifestyle and naturally balance your body
  • Boost your energy with foods and activities that are best suited for your personal needs
  • Set and achieve specific, sustainable diet and lifestyle changes
  • Enjoy emotional support from a group of like-minded women who are on a similar journey
  • You’ll NEVER have to count calories, or worry about carbs, fats and proteins! Instead of creating list of restrictions of good and bad foods – You will have a happy and healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial and discipline.

3 Month Program Structure:

  • Two 75 minute group sessions per month, 6 total
  • 2 private sessions with Marie for your personal development
  • Free email support between sessions
  • Access to a private online community where only group members can connect and share with each other
  • Simple yet informative handouts and materials tailored to your specific nutritional needs
  • My personal commitment to your health & wellness

Cost & Discounts:

  • $125/month ($375 total)
  • 10% Discount if paid in full up front before first session
  • We accept cash, check or credit card for payment
  • Upon completion of group, special discounts available to clients who want to transition to private coaching with Marie

ENROLL NOW! Space is limited!

Email: with name, address and phone to get started.

Group Specifics:

Beginning 10/12, Alternating Saturdays from 10:30am-11:45am

Dates: 10/12, 10/26, 11/9, 12/7, 12/21, 1/4

Convenient Carroll Gardens location 

Private sessions to be week of 10/12 and 11/16

– See more at: Group Program

Win a FREE Juicer!

September 4, 2013

Marie's Green Juice

Marie’s Green Juice

Everyone who signs up for our “The Family Plate” newsletter this week is enrolled to win a free juicer! Make your own delicious juices at home and feel like you are running jet fuel! Winner announced Sept 14!


Juicing is fun, family friendly and gives you great nutrition from every day fruits and vegetables!  Read my article on Juicing vs. Smoothies here.