The 8 Week Challenge (that took 11 weeks) – BUT, who cares?

February 17, 2019

New Marie Before & After 2019

Day 1 and Day 42

Believe it or not I actually started a new program and exercise challenge on December 13 – not a typical time of year to start, but I had to, because I’d been struggling really hard all 2018.  At the end of 2017 I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder called Hashimotos , which means that I have a non-functioning thyroid.  Part of realizing something was wrong with me was that I gained an incredible amount of weight in a short period of time.  Which for a health coach was pretty devastating.  By December, I was still looking for a way to manage my weight and my health, so I started something new right before Christmas. I wanted to find something that would accommodate my busy life as a mom (read: not a lot of meal prep or long workouts) and also give me really healthy habits I could do everyday while still giving me results.


Getting stronger everyday! Week 7 Day 3

     I started an 8 week exercise program and I had ever intention of finishing it in 8 weeks, but of course the best laid plans…  Honestly some weeks I didn’t have the energy to get in all 4 workouts, so I ended up stretching them out a bit.  Some weeks I was up at 6:30am to work out before my kids got up, so it was a mixed bag.  The main thing for me was just to keep going and not give up.  Really what did it matter if it took 11 weeks instead of 8?  Wasn’t the most important thing to just keep going?  In the past I would beat myself up like crazy if I didn’t do everything perfectly and then I’d quit. I wouldn’t get any results that way, obviously.  This is one of the main topics I cover with my clients, STOP TRYING TO BE PERFECT!  Trying to be perfect is what it keeping you from reaching your goals.  I learned this from my uncle who is a very successful business owner – “It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be DONE.”  Man, how that has freed me! Just get started, and keep going, and stop worrying about being perfect.  I started the 8 week challenge using 3lbs weights and now I’m using 10lbs and ready to move up to 12lbs.  Progress!! Not perfection 🙂  


Easy Meal Prep, Gianni’s Chicken Burger over a Salad kit

     This new program combines all the best common sense advice about being healthy (no gimmicks or quick fixes and no starving myself!). And I’m not spending a ton of time meal prepping, which is awesome!! I love to cook but some weeks life is just too busy to obsess over meal prep constantly.  My new favorite item is a Gianni’s frozen chicken burger.  I tried the sampler pack and really enjoyed all the flavors.  They go from your freezer to your plate in 15 minutes, so it really is simple!  I’ve been making mine in my air fryer with great results. 

I’m happy to report I’ve lost around 10lbs since starting (over Christmas no less)! And believe me I wasn’t that strict over Christmas and New Years, because balance. My energy is up and I’m exercising regularly (doing a modified program because of a sprained ankle and I’m STILL getting results). It’s easy to fit in every day with kids, work, after school activities and occasionally trying to spend a few minutes with Ran!  I’m ready to take my coaching to the next level by hosting a group incorporating these healthy habits and the support and accountability that makes it fun! If you want to join my new challenge group starting on Feb 25, drop me a note at

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